Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Into every adventure some rain may fall... (Day One)

Air travel is not without some hassles. Every traveler knows the list: flight delays, crying babies, lost luggage, and, of course, those continuously shrinking seats. While you never know how many “calamities” may befall you on a single travel adventure, there’s no use sweating over what might or will or did happen. Your travel mood is largely what you make it--by whatever you decide is “just too much” or about which you say, “aw, not that big a deal.”

Our journey from Fort Wayne to Bilbao, Spain was mostly uneventful. Flights ran on time at every leg. While we heard a crying baby or two during our brief layovers, they did not make a sound (as far as I can tell) during the flights. I’ll grant that we had a more challenging surrogate during the Chicago to Paris run--we were surrounded by a high school soccer team and a large group of their classmates. But the Air France stewardi played tough with them and they were mostly quiet during that long overnight flight. It was raining in Paris and in Bilbao upon our arrival. Our luggage decided to avoid the extra moisture by remaining in Paris; but it showed up later that evening.

San Sebastian, Spain represents the first stop on tour across northern Spain. That town sits right on the Atlantic Ocean near the Spanish/French border. Once a quaint town that sat largely around a protected inlet, San Sebastian has become a popular stopping point for Europeans on holiday. As we arrived, the town was ramping up for the 42nd annual Heiniken Internal Jazz Festival. While rain and high winds caused cancellation of the pre-opening night free concert at the beach, great jazz blasted away on the second night of our stay.

For more pics of San Sebastion, see:
